For spring, I took a class in Online Searching, and one in Online Medical Searching. Both were eye-openers and I loved the fact that our assignments were to search for information and not just read about how to search. My fall classes are one called Ethics for Information Professionals and the other is Digital Libraries. I have to admit I'm not looking forward to the ethics class because the professor is a philosopher, and I don't do well with ethereal theories and discussions. I'm more of a concrete, nitty-gritty person; don't have a discussion with me just tell me how to do it and let me do it! I am hoping to have my master's done by December next year (2009). Then what? I don't know yet, but I'm open to any and all possibilities - preferably working for myself but who knows what the Creator has in store for me?! That's the exciting part - finding out what comes next.

All my classes are online, so I don't have to sit in class or drive to campus and hunt for parking. I can do my work in my jammies! Love it!! LOL

Edited by yonuh (06/01/08 12:35 PM)
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich