Hello Edelweiss! I haven´t been around for different reasons lately..and I find that your heart has been going beserk! I am lucky to have checked in at this point in time..and find that there is a cure for your problem!!! YES! YES! YES! I am so happy and grateful!

Are you considering winding down a bit? You know..it´s not too long ago that you were an very active and dedicated grandma too. Kinda typical that your dear heart reacts sometime after things kinda settle down. But..your body has been "programed" for this to happen, genetically, if I understand your situation correctly?

EW..you say that you speak German fluently..I speak Swedish fluently,too. It´s my 3 rd language and I feel comfortable in it. BUT I do notice that I am not as "quick" or perhaps "specific" as native Swedes. This can be a hinder for me when I am trying to explain myself to a doctor, for example. Neither the doctor or I notice this..because I am fluent in Swedish and even sound like a Swede..but I am still not as proficient in the language..and I don´t totally get across the message that I want in certain situations..at work, also, for example... I am not as "quick" and when I need to be quick.. I am not as diversified. Have you found this in German,too? Do you know what I am getting at here?

EW..I am sooo thinking of you and praying for you..but it´s like you suggested: only the good díe young..so you have no worries here! Right?


PS Gosh..reading this thru again..I am not that good in English either anymore..I mean WHAT language am I proficient in????
"some sacred place.."