A bottle of water
old bottle of lemonade
mug holding special pens
tape measure
binder clips
used gift card from Sephora
two old prescription bottles
a book I need to read and review
half eaten candy bar
cell phone
typing paper stand with tablet on it
post card
list of stories my sisters and I am writing
4x6 card holder
box with floppy disks in
two small baskets - empty
another book
pencil box
miscellaneous papers
old tin of York Mints
basket with grandson's finger paints and paper
pencil holder with sticky note holder and space for more papers
Anaheim Ducks Hockey puck from Stanley Cup Finals in 2007
index card holder
note cube
more floppy disks
lots of 3x5 cards I take notes on
hair clips
desk set with pad of paper and business cards in it
4 pair of earrings
tape dispenser

A lot of stuff that sometimes prevents me from doing my work!
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008