Wow I feel so normal after reading all these. Here's an assortment of my desk..actually it's 2 desks Lshaped tpgether one has a hutch.other has a shelf for my monitor which is actually an MSNtv2..besides that is the keybord & set-top box for it. Plus my laptop, which is so nice and handy for intense stuff, but often a source of pain in the sitter. there's the DSL/wireless router, 3 organizer type things full of pens, labels, sissors, oh this one has pain patches in it. one has a lotof pictures, misc greeting cards for all occasions, a laundry pen, half a glass of sweet tea, a planner, address books91 snai mail-1email) makeup bag and makeup, tums, cell & cordless phone, my laptop used for work..which is more of a device that favors a laptop, a jar of jelly beans, kleenes, dry erase marker/board, lotion, y stuffed monkey my DH gave me when i had my transplant, pics of kids and DH, lamp, old name tag from previous job, jewelry, paper clips, a bottle of low voltage "chill pills" LOL, my lab report, health insurance, wedding & coupon folders..Dollar Tree glasses, sunglasses, car keys, chargers......One would think I live here. & last but not least, a bucket of soft peppermints! Plus...ok that's enough..
Q~Ball aka Q~Ball101