- a folder that holds most recent papers to follow-up with
- a flower pot from my son's high school baseball team that holds pens, pencils, highlighters and scissors
- monitor, speaker, cable box, memory stick, lamp, phone
- stack of business cards and BWS/NABBW book marks
- a plant in a basket
- photo of family from oldest son's middle school graduation
- black and white photo of Mom with all five kids from when we were little (taken at some amusement park)
- a ceramic statue of two people holding a candle (gift from youngest son)Love it.
- stack of book and mail that have to be opened and added to the books to be reviewed for newsletter
- to-do list book
- work calendar
- stack of business cards from last netoworking meeting
- several shells, etc. (conch, heart shaped, one with a cross embossed from algae, green piece of beach glass, heart shaped stone with Love written on it, a silver angel charm type thing, and a heart shaped metal thingy that says best friends) All very small items that have been given to me by hubby and kids, and two friends! Each has a special memory attached.
- my timer
- computer glasses, though I hardly wear them
- another ceramic holder for work bills and mail

Good lord! Do any of us have any white space on our desks?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.