- paperwork galore...all kinds: addresses (envelopes, slips of paper and misc address books), notes, bills to pay and paid, research, things to do and things done, receipts, plus more, more, more
- a calculator that's not plugged in because the cord is missing
- 4 bottles of essential oils: grapeseed, rosemary, grapefruit and geranium
- shipping box tape dispenser, which is needing a refill soon
- stapler (used as a hammer sometimes, so even though it's an office supply, I'm listing it)
- bookmark that's lost its book
- digital camera and USB cord
- ipod speaker and USB cord
- pencils and pens, scattered here and there
- box of loose coins, large tin of sorted coins, and my Spa Fund piggy bank that my oldest daughter gifted me years ago, but that is still shy of coins
- a Walker game ear still bubble wrapped
- my purple sqush ball that very seldom gets squshed, but does get moved around alot
- $.99 tube of lotion
- warranty and maintenance manual for scanner
- harmonica
- protractor
- container of blank CD stock
- my 2 four leaf clovers
- box of assorted greeting cards
- misc signs (i.e. For Sale)
- Dan Gleason's "Live" VHS tape
- binoculars
- mug of coffee on a coaster, which is actually a piece of an old table placemat
- small fan, which is NOT doing much good
- small stool my husband made, being used as a spacer, creating me yet another place to slide things into
- my "To Pray For Today List" pad, which my dad made for me
- last year's voters registration
- one lone bobby pin
- 2 checks from the IRS (yes, we have received our 2008 stimulus check)