had to go check, and sure enough! We don't use much foil or plastic wrap around here, but we do HAVE some and they DO have the latching sides. Thanks... too neat, will be anxious to share this...lol.

Now, look at your ear lobes in a mirror (without earrings on/in). Do you have lines (creases) on your lobes? Lines/creases indicate high cholestrol.
Now look at your fingernails. Along the nailbed, from moon to tip, do you see any valleys/indentations? If so, you possibly had some stress on your heart. If 1/4 inch equals a month (growing rate of fingernails), you can figure when the heart was under stress. Also, white spots mean something, as do ridging and lengthwise black discolorations. Then there's the shape of the moon to consider, and the colors of the nails and the flesh underneath. Of course, none of this is as cool as finding out about the holders in the foil and plastic wrap boxes.... which is just too cool!