
I just read an article yesterday about all the germs carried around on the bottoms of people's shoes.

Ever since I was a VERY young child, I've had this thing about not stepping on worms on the sidewalks. You know, when it rains, all the worms come out on the sidewalks and pavement? Well, it used to take me forever to walk to school on rainy days because I refused to step on any worms and if there were too many worms on the road/sidewalk, I couldn't walk, Mom would have to drive me. What grosses me out more than the thought of germs on the bottom of people's shoes is the thought of all the worm guts on the bottom of people's shoes (sorry, don't mean to gross anyone else out!) The mere thought of stepping on a worm has made me nauseous, since I was at least five years old, if not younger, and still does to this day. I even used to have horrible nightmares about it.

Strange, eh? But I love going barefoot, especially on grass or a sandy beach. But our new carpet really irritates my toes, so I have to wear socks.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)