Loneliness has been my middle name for as long as I can remember. There's often been no rhyme or reason for it, all I know is that it is such a deep-seated hunger, impossible to completely assuage. I don't feel it as much now, as long as I'm with my husband. But as soon as he walks out the door to go anywhere, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

For me, I think it's an innate longing for God - I know that sounds simplistic perhaps, but I really think it's a soul-hunger for "Home". I've never known how to completely get rid of it, except to keep busy and fill as much of that emptiness with love, friends, God, helping others and good thoughts.

But Edelweiss, one thing I know with absolute certainty in my case is that nobody and nothing is/was/will ever be responsible for that loneliness. It just is there. And I've always been grateful for whoever or whatever has helped ease it for even a few moments or hours.

You are a wonderful, caring, loving daughter, and I'm willing to dare-say that your Mom's loneliness has nothing to do with you, with anything you do or don't do...it's just there, it seems to be as innate in her as it is in me. You care so much for and about her, but her loneliness is not yours to own or feel guilty about.

I really believe that loneliness is a soul's hungering for God, and/or perhaps for the family and friends who have already gone...if that's true in your mother's case, nothing you do will ever fully quench that thirst - but your kindness and company WILL and DOES help.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)