Lately my dear mother has been trying for me. It seems I can’t do enough. Sunday she spent the entire day with us at the lake. We visited an outdoor concert, ate dinner in a restaurant by the sea, and played with Anaiya at a huge playground. That evening she spoke to my brother on the phone, and told him what a lovely day it was, but the rest of her life is so lonely.

Argh. It makes me sad to see her sad, but I just can’t seem to do enough for her. Is this a sign of senility? I don’t know. She has so many activities on the side ( including a hired senior companion, that would do all kinds of things with her), but when you come right down to it…she is alone in her apartment most of the time. She told me she sometimes just gets up to look in the mirror and talk.

It makes me think how I want to avoid loneliness when I’m old. The only thing I can think of is living in one of those senior parks. But is that really the answer?

Then this morning, just as I was a little down in the dumps because of this, I got an email. It made me feel better, and I wanted to share it with you all.

“Your serenity is based on taking responsibility without taking blame, and letting go without giving up.”

Funny how it suited me. I have to stop taking blame if my Mom is unhappy. But sometimes it’s easier said then done.