JJ, I also loved working hospice in the home. That was very special but I always felt crunched for time. When I so wanted to spend more time, my mind was going a hundred miles an hour thinking about my next visit and calculating how much time it would take me to get there. That was the down side of that for me. In the Hospice house, I can sit and hold a hand in the middle of the night, when the anxieties run so high. That's been important for me. I'm in one place for 8 1/2 hours and when quiet, I can really minister. I'm glad it was a positive side for you when you all needed it. Comfort and assurance for the families are equally as important. We usually have some family members that have moved right in and stay with the person all the time. It adds another whole dimension to my work, which feels, to me, more like a ministry.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett