Someone once told me, "it is not what you say, it is how you say it".

Several years ago, I was in the same position. I remember feeling overwhelmed, and I felt that I had to say yes or else I wasn't doing my Christian duty.

I remember one day, when I just couldn't take it anymore, that I poured everything out to this lady, and she gave me a simple answer. She said next time someone asks you to volunteer for anything in the church, answer with "I'll pray about it". At least that way, you will be given the time you need to pray about it, and to listen for God's answer.

I don't know if this helps. In my personal observations, I think too many pastors, and church member use what I call "scripture slamming" in order to put some guilt there.

Now understand, I am not saying this is done intentionally. I believe that the person asking is also very overwhelmed. When we get to that point, we kind of take our focus away from God.

This is just my opinion, base on my own observations.

God Bless,