Dancer, I think that my daughter tried to tell us that she wanted to go and could we please..let her go? That it is was ok for her..and it would be ok for us,too..she knew. Her doctor told us that people near death often are one or two steps ahead of their families..and kind of show the way for their loved ones...My daughter wasn´t feeling too well during the I guess that she knew when it was her time..she died 3 or 4 days later.

I haven´t really known anyone that has been feeling ok..but still felt their life was going to close..and that it was ok. Your grandfather didn´t have to suffer and apparently passed when he wanted to..more or less..what a blessing! But that isn´t really your question, it it?

A very close friend of mine from Africa once told me that I would live to be 85..and that I would be a female witch/crone in my older age ..who knows maybe I will come to the point that your grandfather did..when it feels as´s all she/he wrote? Interesting thought!

Elizabeth Kiebler Ross has written a few very very good books on death and dying..if that might help your thoughts,too??? She helped me around the death of my daughter very much! She´s not dreary or gloomy..but perhaps you are already familiar with her writing?
"some sacred place.."