This is sort of a deep question but you know me! I always seem to step in it. Perhaps someone will answer me.

The person I lost that was close to me so far was my grandfather who did much of the raising of me, so I loved him and idolized him. I mourned him for years.

A year before he died, he told me that he felt he would die within a year and told me that he already felt "one foot on the other side." I was naturally upset, and young, so I was angry that he was thinking the way he was when he said, "I'm ready, I'm ready to see my mother and others." He was ready and when he died at 83, he dropped while jogging and only regained conscienceness (sp.) once, and died within 3 days.

when I saw him on life support, he was "dying," to get off nd die. I could see it and feel it and it hurt me terribly! I wanted them to let him go as he had wanted to do. Luckily he did die after about 24 hours on life support.

My question is this:

Has anyone been near the death of a loved on and have them tell you that they are ready to die and want to go? Has anyone been around a close person to them that told you they wanted to go as my grandfather did even though he was in no pain and had plenty of everything, love, money, intellect, etc???

I always wanted to ask others this...

Thank you,

"Question your privilege"