Thanks for the link Mij... I'll get back to investigate it better soon.

OH, and thank you so much for the poem, meredith. I read and reread the excerpt Dotsie pulled. Then had to go back and read the whole poem after MA referenced some more. I wish I could close my life's poem with your ending lines - I'm striving to be able to close it just like that.

and, hannelore - you gave me a hardy chuckle!!!
I actually paused long enough to picture some of the things I'd do... and came up with:

I'd get with my grandchildren and my girls as often as possible.

I'd make a video or write a booklet for each.

I'd cleanse my heart and soul of all bad feelings - much of what I'm working on doing now, but I'd accelerate the process.

I'd make sure my underwear were clean everyday.

I'd also keep my house cleaner, giving away things as the days passed.

I'd touch everything - flowers, trees, grass, horses, art - feeling the essence of everything I could.

I'd write a longggggg letter to my DH.

I'd write thank you cards to everyone who ever touched my life... phone calls wouldn't do, because I might get side tracked or interrupted.

I'd call Shirley McLaine and Billy Graham - I'd love to speak with them in person... I doubt it'd ever happen.

I'd swim with the dolphins, too, hannelore... I've wanted to since I read a book as a child about a young girl who did swam with wild ones in the ocean.

And, another thing I've wanted to do (inspired by a scene in one of Elizabeth Berg's books) is sleep in the forest under the light of the moon, by myself.

Heehee, I already eat cheesecake.