Be prepared to fall in love. With the country, the people, the history. I was there two summers ago and the $ wasn't any better but I will tell you now, the food was the least expense we had. No joke. You can go into just about any pub and get their OUT OF THIS WORLD soup and brown bread for lunches and it was dirt cheap. Throw in a couple of beers with that, and it was the same as any fast food place around here. I'm not a fan of the dark beer, but there was one called...ah...hmm....can't remember...I'll have to ask my traveling buddy. I'll get back to you on it. You can't get it here, it is a light beer and girl, it is DELISH! Now you didn't say WHEN you are going.

The duffel bag trick is a great one. You'll need it unless you buy Waterford Chrystal or something...and then they'll mail it home for you.

I drove over 1,000 miles and had no problem at all except a couple of times where I wanted to turn out of a parking lot into the wrong side of the lane and almost got us killed. When the trip ended, they had to pry my fingers from the steering wheel...

ROUND-A-BOUTS are everywhere. EVERY-FREAKIN-WHERE. Once you go through a few hundred of them, no problem....just DON'T sit still....people talk about your ancestors when you do.

It seemed every town had a great pub, a chocolate store, and some history. I loved Ireland. Even when we got lost, we found something interesting to do. The castles are everywhere, the abby's, the sheep, and the scenery is to die for.

Scotland is my other love. I could go on and on about it. If you're planning to buy any sweaters, plan on spending around 150.00 for the cheap ones....I bought Mom a beautiful scarf for 55.00 bucks...I-ya-ya...If you're going in the summer like we did, these things MIGHT be on sale somewhere, A FEW PLACES...but it is such a touristy place, I doubt it. They love Americans...heck, the Irish love everybody. More later...JJ