Thx for sharing chatty. I didn't know you had this. Here in the forums you are a lively, imaginative person. Hope you get out there..the big outside.

I feel slightly claustrophobic when I'm in the middle of big crowds. I want to escape or go the edge of the crowd. Probably partially due to worrying about wanting to go to the washroom if need arises suddenly. With age, that doesn't get better but abit of exercise does help..only abit.

This young woman..teaches..small classes at a facility downtown. Highly intelligent and articulate but she has no desire to travel/explore even outside her city at this time. Most young people her age (late 20's) have travelled to the U.S. or Europe, etc. by now. HOwever she does meet and work with international adult students from Asia and Middle East, so her world is not closed this way..which is good.

She also gets panicky when she must be on an airplane. It was a big deal for her to go to and from her brother's wedding....4,000 kms. away. In this way, she is like her Oma (grandmother) who also hates flying. That was her first flight in over 7 yrs.

I think for her love of animals is therapeutic (plus art, poetry and complex crossword puzzles. She's into creating New York Times style complex puzzles.) and having a dog, pushes her out everyday because dog requires regular walks (and washroom breaks).