Somehow I got talked into having a new Year's Eve party. I think it will be a blast except I think it will be missing something without alcohol. Hardly anyone drinks anymore though some smoke and smoke gives others asthma attacks. Some can't eat fat. Some can't eat sugar. Others are vegetarians. then there's the adkins diet.

Baby boomers are kind of like the glass half full or half empty. They are either half dead or half alive and partying with them is a test. If you pass, you get to go on to the other half of your life. Either way, we're all half way to the grave. Having a party for baby boomers is like running a hospital. In fact, I'm thinking of having an ambulance on stand by.
There's alcoholics, addicts, diabetics, high cholesterol, kidney problems, cirrhosis of the liver, broken bones, surgeries. You name it, somebody's got it. And they love telling you all about it -- in detail.
At one time guys talked about women, fast cars and football. Now they talk about going bald and Viagra (Oh lord deliver me). The women used to talk about guys, makeup and clothes. Now we discuss gall bladder problems, face lifts, and hot flashes. I'm telling ya' it's a hospital.

Oh well, at least we all have a lot in common.


[ December 13, 2005, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]