yea today hes the big boy. it started bad he swang from the door hid under my bed clothes refused to come out or talked to po wen i called her so she could wish him happie birthday. but i talked him round, told him today you weer born, then grew went throw his birthdays he ended up mesurring his hands his feet, his height and hay prestow happie with the day and glade to be going to school for cake and candels, all he wants for his birthday....

night time prayers, start with dear god thank you for my lucien...then the rest of the prayer....
verie seldom but it dose happen the deer god starts with a tense jaw if its been a hard day....but its important that i keep gratfull with him no matter wot and even that he hears it so much that its common place, but i have to always allways start the prayer that way or their trouble, im corrected and have to start first with thanks for lucien.

everiethg can be tollerated overcame and delt with in a 24 hour period at lest one bout of gratfullness can change the whole day....well it workes for me anyway..

DOTSIE I L0OVE To heer you talk bout your kids and we can tell their your pride and joy and that your hart dose flutter. I am glade its that way for you and we get to share your love for them. Their thee most preciouse of gifts from god, its butifull that their relised as that. I love the antidotes and wee storie, ples keep doing it. whish more did the same.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn