I'm afraid it's a lost cause. My MIL's other daughter works in the court system and the most they can do is commit Robin for 3 months at a time...Robin has threated to 'get' her sister if she tries to interfere with her...she has made false complaints against her sister to the police and Robin seems to know that she can get away with a lot. I spoke with some group for protection of the elderly and they told me that unless my MIL steps up and tells them she's being abused there's nothing they can do...I wish someone in authority could get in Robin's face and tell her they know what she's pulling and if she doesn't stop she's going to jail. The last I heard Robin's sister told her that if she didn't get herself into a program she was going to petition the courts to have her committed...again. After 3 months she gets out and starts all over again. Now Robin has said she's going to go...but no one monitors her and my MIL believes anything Robin tells her...
Last weekend Robin loaned out her car to a druggie and my MIL went over and got her and went after the car...very dangerous in my view for a 73 year old woman to be doing...her other daughter was with her but's rediculous this is going on. My MIL is going to go through this until Robin wears her down or she ends up in a hospital..or worse.