Hello Dee,

There are organizations who will monitor the elderly for possible abuse. Not only physical abuse, but just generally being taken advantage of.

There may be an Adult Protective Services Division within your local Department of Human Services. Usually, you can find a hotline to report suspected Elder Abuse.

Recently, a group of elder advocates from a local healthcare facility came to the apartment complex where I live (for elderly and disabled) to offer assistance to those who may be experiencing abuse of some sort. They handed out literature and phone numbers after giving a talk about their mission.

Just keep on visiting your MIL and encourage others in the family to do so. If an outside organization can check on her welfare, that would be great. All this attention to MIL may discourage Robin from her manipulations and fraudulent schemes.

Elder abuse is a seriously growing problem in this country.


[ August 16, 2005, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: BoomBoom ]