Yesterday our own Dotsie was a guest on the Dennis Griffin one hour radio show. There were three other guests but when listening there was no doubt who WAS star of the show. Her voice sounded as clear as a bell, strong and pleasant. I spoke with Denny later in the day and he said he was so pleassed with Dotsie and got good feedback and will be asking her to come back again. In fact he said, he may be having us both on a show together. I was his very first guest some weeks ago. He is beginning a new show called 'Meet The Author' and says if any of the published writers here are interested in plugging their book(s) give him a call. He is a doll to work with and so kind. He has published 'nine' novels to date, and is going strong. If interested send him an email and tell him Chatty sent you...
Were buds!!!

Edited by chatty lady (01/30/08 06:25 PM)
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