I was a heavy smoker but was able to stop overnight with each pregnacy. After my last child was born, I knew that if I returned to smoking, I would smoke till my dying day - I had already made up my mind that there would be no more babies.

DH continued to smoke for another 5 years. He had a terrible time - went to a hypnotist twice. Finally, one New Years Eve - he was working with the kids putting a model train scape together. His hand were busy and he went for hours without lighting up. That gave him the incentive to see if he could just stop 'cold turkey.' He did, but the process was not easy for him.

He is now one of those dreaded 'reformed' smokers. He cannot stand the smell of smoke. He asked me how I could stand smelling that smell on his clothes for as long as I did. After being around smokers now, he comes home and hangs his clothes in the garage - will not put them in his closet.

It is a nasty habit for sure. It's been nearly 30 years since I quit, but had a surprise during my yearly check up a few weeks ago. I'm seeing a new doctor - and was put through a ton of tests - one of which was for lung function.
Even though I'm in great shape, exercise 4/5 days a week for years - my lungs are not back 100% That was a shock.

If you can - quit. This is one habit that has absolutely NO redeeming qualities. It will kill you. I watched a friend die of lung cancer a few years ago. She never did quit. Of course, she was too far along when it was diagnosed. It's such a waste.