To be reared in North Sweden and live quietly must have formed your R in his important years.In rural Scotland things were much the same a generation ago.Reading biographies and testimonies until ww2 things were slow and easy here.My Aunts lives were so different from mine and perhaps the way I live is quiet compared to some on the forum

Is it out of the question to move...?Have enough space to spread yourselves.Enjoying home life and having a goal for R.Even a new start somewhere.
I am your age and my goals have changed..for me harmony and love and comfort head my needs. I like my home to be clean inviting and my cupboards with enough.I came to this conclusion and surprised myself.
Please keep sharing and realise that the women here are kind and knowledgable .
I was thinking about you today knowing you are opening a long held wound and at times like this we are vulnerable.
Love MA