Thanks Kathy and Songbird,
I'm feeling better today. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. One of our best friends in Cuba (a doctor) called us last night just to assure us that she would take very good care of me when we get there...just to hurry up and get there!

We're leaving for Cuba next week...hubby's so excited. He's been going every year for about 14 years now (same place every year - many of his family go too); this will be my 5th time in that location, 8th time in Cuba. We missed last year (looking after Gary), so hubby almost can't sleep he's so giddy!

The sun and sand will be very welcome (leaving all this cold snow behind), but I'm especially looking forward to seeing all of our friends again - both fellow tourists who go every year, and the Cuban friends who are like a second family. With my own family so broken right now, it will be a great and comforting joy to be with these people, and hubby's family too (there will be 7 of us going this year). It's one of the few places (besides BWS) where I feel safe and at home.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)