I agree, but remember you will feel differently on different days. My advice above was for when its all bad everyday, then exiting out is the best way. BUT that said, there was a lovely lady here wanting badly to get a divorce and she posted a long while back about it. She and I began a dialogue through PM's and emails and after some excruciating truths, in heart to heart talks, she decided that the grass was NOT greener on the other side, that her husband compared to other husbands some of the women here were suffering with and even though hers was not always perfect, he didn't sound all that bad compared to the rest. He is not always perfect, but then who of us are? She stayed with her husband and they have shared some happy and memorable times. This is something that takes much thought and conversation if he will talk about it with you. NO one can change the things they don't realize make us crazy, at least give him a chance to change. I said it before and say it again, there are slim pickens out here in the world, men are slime for the most part and it isn't getting any better...Good luck!

Edited by chatty lady (01/19/08 11:16 PM)
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