Thank you Songbird I'm so glad everything seems okay now.

HL, LJ is right about the pronounciation. I would add to that, putting together twice the German word for yes as one word.

LJ, I didn't know you have a Greek in your family!

I don't think she is going to come back with us, I get the feeling she's been talked into staying here. She will be with the boy and his mom for two weeks. I'm just glad she isn't going to be all by herself with Zoey right now. I have a plan b and thank God she isn't too far away and I like driving. So I will be able to come every two weekends. Since she has her own apartment, it will be financially possible for me to make more frequent trips here. It's the hotels that kill me financially each time I come here. Now I just pray the gas prices will not go too much higher, LOL. No matter, for Zoey and Sofia, I will cut corners if need be.

Anyway, I let it be known I will be here more often.

But I want to point out, if God was never clear to me before about taking care of things, He is clear now. Or better yet, my eyes have been opened as far as God's assurance of taking care of this. God will make a way and I need to enjoy both Sofia and Zoey. Especially Zoey as she will be going through her growing up stages.

Thanks ladies, it's really good to know I can come here and know whatever happens, I have a place to come to.

I have a feeling I'm going to be in the grandparent's section more often now, LOL.

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!