This is a topic that stumps me somewhat. I enjoy celebrating diversity and accomplishment. It's very rare for me to feel jealousy or envy of someone else's life or ability or being...I might wish for more money or ability to do my own "more", especially when it comes to global concerns, but I honestly do celebrate each person's being, ability and accomplishment.

It's a complicated emotion. There's often an old story behind jealousy, in fact, I would dare to say that when you see someone consumed by jealousy, you're likely to find some trauma buried deep in that person's psyche.

I was once very hurt when a supposed longtime friend of mine, someone I still care deeply about, told me that she actually hated me and couldn't stand to be friends anymore. It turns out that she was jealous of my carefree childhood because she herself had been abused throughout her early years. So I respect and understand her feelings, and have distanced myself from her because I know that somehow I represent something she could never have.

I have more examples of very jealous people having experienced major catastrophes in their childhood.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)