We had two huge snowstorms one NewYear's Eve and New Year's Day...about two feet....ughhh. So New Year's Eve when hubby came in from plowing, I had fixed a huge turkey dinner. We're at family homes for Thanksgiving and Christmas and always miss the leftovers. It was so nice....we had a drink & dinner and talked a bit about our new year and watched the snow fall and blow outside the window. Our plan was to stay up and see the ball drop in Times Square. Well, guess what? The tryptophan kicked in and we both fell asleep in our chairs while a lonnnggg documentary called "The History of Sex" was on tv. I woke up to find it was 12:30 A.M. We missed it...I kissed hubby and then it took a half hour to drag him to bed. It was like we were on drugs! We laughed about it yesterday. How exciting this growing older thing is!!! lol
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett