Lionspaaw, I have several friends who are psychic as well and see past lives, but no one has multiple personality disorder, so I have no clue as to yours. One fairly common belief system is that in this life, we will work out problems from past lives, or have to return in the future to do so. (In other words, keep trying until we get it right.) Sometimes there's "residual personality" from past times, but I've never heard of MPD in this context. That doesn't mean it can't be so -- it just means I don't know. Whatever, you should trust your instincts.

From your description, you're definitely what is called Empath and also Seer. I'm empath but not seer. I see my own path but can't see anyone else's.

Have you always had this level of ability, or did it increase after Robert's death? I ask because I had some ability before, but much more after I went through cancer. Traumatic events can open up paths in our life.
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