My nephew is married, so he's with his wife. We had dinner at a restaurant this evening and a few people came up and thanked him for his service. We're very proud of him. He left an immature boy and returned a man with a good head on his shoulders.

Please keep the returning men in your prayers. It's difficult for some to assimulate back into society. A good friend of my nephew's committed suicide after returning 1 1/2 years ago. Now the military makes sure the vets get good mental health care, especially for the first few months. He won't be released from duty for 3 more months and it's mostly so they can adjust. Greg has a good support system of family and friends, but there were about 4 guys who didn't have anyone to meet them. Those are the ones I worry about.

I don't mean to make the Happy Moments thread sad, but just want to say how important it is for these guys to know they appreciated. Most of you already let them know that, I'm sure.
