Congratulations, Chatty! Writing is so time consuming. Plus it isn't the easiest thing in the world to communicate what's in one's head and have the reader understand your exact intention. I'm so happy that you're being acknowledged. I'm not a big fan of ghost writing because of what's involved.
Writing is good therapy but it's also a hard, hard job. By the way, I'm so far behind the rest of the boomers in their book club reading because I'm working on one manuscript, with another in the wings. And then there's the full time housekeeping thing. But I just started Elizabeth Gilbert's, "eat, pray, love." And now I'm embarrassed that I signed off so many of my posts with [Ciao for now]. I'm only up to "Bead 7" but at the end of Bead 6, Elizabeth writes, [I became one of those annoying people who always say CIAO.] Well, when my son
married an Italian girl back in '85, I studied Italian. I have many self-teaching tapes and books and dictionaries. My books all say Ciao means a familiar Hi or goodbye. So I apologize, if I annoyed anybody! I do like this book and think Elizabeth's writing is extremely entertaining.
Again, congrats! Prayers and blessings,

Edited by bonnierose333 (12/20/07 11:49 AM)