Yep, I was a thrilled recipient of a "chatty call" and it was really nice! It just so happened that I had no errands to run or responsibilities to worry over, and my DH was at my brother's, so I had quiet time to devote to the phoncon.
Chatty is a joy to speak with. Somehow, Dianne's animals got introduced into the conversation (came up when we were talking about crocheting and the doggie afghan she made for Dianne's beloved dog). Chatty was telling me about D's bird and it was if I was watching it happen, she described it so well. It even kinda made me want a and that's NOT me!
Thank you chatty for the pleasant surprise and for the other info you shared with me. I'll get into using it when things settle down with my parents... still wondering when that'll be...
I enjoyed getting to put a voice with a name, also.