Wow, yonuh. Maybe you have more natural language learning than some of us.

To graduate with my English lit. degree, one had to have 1 foreign language first year equivalency. So I took French again...for the 3rd flippin' time. In most Canadian primary schools, children are required to take some French. I dropped French as soon as I could after grade 9. At the same time, I started up Latin. I found it fun..because the teacher was fun. His classes were actually quite popular in high school.

Then to my dismay I had to retake French during lst year at Univeristy. then I switched universities...and had to retake it ...again due to the graduation requirement. Actually I do think it's a good idea to learn a 2nd language for anyone specializing in a university degree in English lit. One cannot begin appreciate their own native/primary language until you learn a 2nd language in a focused/structured manner.

But the last few weeks have proven that I can remember nouns, etc. but have problems with verb conjugations, some adverbs, etc. and the gender assigment to inanimate objects --ie. why did the French think a table or chair is feminine?

After the test, I realized my foggy understanding of French reflected worse fogginess in Chinese...because at least in French, I can reading fragments of it. Chinese I can't read anything beyond 15 simple characters.

All I know, that these test results will be on file for next 5 years...should I apply for other federal govn't jobs.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)