Thank you for that, Anne. We have been through some very painful times since my mother stopped being "here," when I as thirteen. I had control over what was done when I turned 18 as my father divorced her and I was the child around that was of age to sign things. The first time I had to commit her for her health I was 18 and crying hard tears. I had a therapist there to talk to me and explain to me that if I did not sign, she would die. This was so very painful to me when I was that young and my guilt was overwhelming!

Had I not come from a family with money Im not sure how I would have coped with respect to that. I worked very hard in my life to build enough money NOT to have to work and if I had to support her, I would have. Although she treated me pretty badly when I was a child, I love her and I will always do what is right by her.


"Question your privilege"