Dotsie, my mother has become very ill. She is looking scary as far as her health. She needs some treatment but she is refusing it. She must be literally "arrested," and put in the hosptial to recieve health care. Her caretaker and her doctor will appear in court along with her fiduciary and tell them that my mother is taking her life with her decision to refuse treatment and the judge will order that she is to be treated without her permission.
I go through this now and again and it is a terribly sad thing to watch my mother loose her freedom and be forced to do anything! I know it must be done but it is hard to see the law needing to be used to force the poor thing to live. She is delicate, like myself, she is small boned and tall and she looks so very helpless that it is very hard to see happen. My mother has never yelled that I can remember, in my life. I also don't yell. She is a very calm and sweet person when she is okay and the worst she gets when angry is sarcastic, same as myself, you see?: It's just a hard thing for me to watch and to think about. I want her well and to live but I hate to see her forced like a criminal into things, I just want her to take medication and regain her sanity.
You cannot force anyone to be medicated, you can only force life saving medical care, you see.


"Question your privilege"