You are such a dear woman.
You nursed and were with your mother until she died. You are so very rare because most people cannot or will not, take time out of their lives to do what you did! The love and time you put into your mother when she was ill is very, very special for a person to do.
One small slip of your temper is so mild an occasion that it does not merit your thought about it!
You show yourself as a person and a woman who works so very hard to do the right thing and there is no doubt that you with your mother at the end, did the right thing. You must credit yourself.

I admire your strength. Others should as well. You were THERE which is remarkable but you were there with your HEART, which is very remarkable.

People are so cut off from their parents and family now that they hardly give a thought to being there when a parent is very ill! They now give the proirity to their work and their own families and hardly get on a plane in the end! I know, I am a social woman, a very social one.

Lovely Dotsie, An argument with your mother shows you both care enough to argue! Arguing happens when people care, apathy is when people don't bother to argue and do what they want without caring what the other feels!

This is just my opinion of your very personal experience. I wanted to put my two cents in which I cannot help at times, as you've seen.

I think you did perfectly, and I think that you are a person who needs to give herself a large pat on the back and a long, long "break," from trying to be better and better when you can't improve on perfection.

You are perfectly Dotsie, and that is great.

Dancer9, steppin' in.

"Question your privilege"