gimster, your post reminded me of something that happened between Mom and I was she was rather sick with cancer.

Mom was taking something out on me that I didn't deserve. The sad fact is that I can't even recall what the issue was. It was during the time that all of us were giving Dad little breaks by caring for Mom. I must have been having a bad day myself because when she started with whatever it was, I jumped all over her and was loud - something I'd never, ever done with Mom, except maybe when I got mad as a teenager. I shared that I thought I was the only person she would charge into like she did and I wasn't going to take it. She apologized. I felt awful. I had totally lost it.

I since understand that it was actually a compliment that she could take something out on me. She knew my heart, knew I'd give her the truth, and always knew I could handle it.

I still regret barking at her when she was so ill and scared.

I wish I could remember what the issue was. I probably blocked it out.

Please remember to give yourself the needed breaks while caregiving.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.