D9, no better, no worse. We all have different abilities to cope, and we all have different stages in terms of giving and receiving love. TRUST was (is) the major defining characteristic of many friendships. I trusted the wrong people, and did not trust those who were genuine in their LOVE for me. My definitions of love were all mixed up in the muck and mire of dysfunction. Dotsie, I must input that one of my most cherised moments with my mother was when she was in the hospital in April/May over Easter and Mother's Day. I would lay on her hospital bed with her, and read all her cards to her, and point out the messages, and discuss them with her, and who sent what, and many were spiritual in nature, which soothed her worried mind and soul for a while. That was the good moment. Then, she'd turn on a dime, ask me who the H*** I was, what was I doing in her room, and saying to me, "I think you better leave." I knew it was the disease.