Oh how hard this is on you! I'm sorry. I've a few answers for you.
It is true that schizophrenics that are treated earlier have to take less medications and that shizophreniz can get worse without treatment as their mind goes further and further. By getting treatment soon, a medication will sort of "halt," the disease where it is and not let it get any worse, or this is the latest study! It is NOT your fault for one needs backing to commit a person in Arizona, and as you know, it takes a court order to commit a person for longer than 72 hours. You've done what you can with the help you had, and like myself, you've had almost none.

If your mother is ill in other ways, she NEEDS to go into 24 hour care and again, it will help her and YOU, because your poor mind can rest and think of you!

Don't waste your time by trying to understand what her "others." mean or say. It is useless although we may know what they are refering to, it does not stop them. At times we may be able to talk them down by knowing what is upsetting the "voices," but we cannot be there to try to understand what is setting them off all of the time.

Lenora, we are protective of our mothers, esp. those of us who have had sick mothers all of our lives. We cannot let it take our lives away.

If you feel she needs a hospice, then d*n right, she needs one! Follow your mind and heart here and do what you think is right. YOU KNOW, never second guess yourself, even for your husband. It is YOUR mother and we have been living with our mother's illnesses for longer than anyone in our lives. We know what is needed.

Don't be sad or worried, dear Lenora. Turning your mother's care over to someone else who is objective could be the very best thing you ever do. It was for myself and my siblings!

We call, I visit, I take her out when she is well, and another person watches her health! I can live my life without guilt or worry. You deserve this.

Again, I'm sorry, and I'm here for you, anytime. PM me, mail me, anything you need to do..


"Question your privilege"