This is most unfortunate and boy, do I relate! My mother also has her bouts with more voices and then less! She is hearing more now because of a health care issue.
I was thinking that your mother may need 24/7 health care as my mother has with a caretaker in her home. This is because of family money or she would be in a home, no question! Your mother, like mine, has lost touch with TOO much reality to hold a conversation for long, correct?

Your mind would be at such ease, as mine is, if you knew she was cared for at a facility for those with problems such as these. If you are in AZ, I would be happy to help you look for one, I know how scary and lonely it is to do.

About Seroquel. Seroquel is an anti-psychotic and works in doses such as 200 to 300 mgs. in Shizophrenic patients to quiet the voices. It blocks, "unwanted thoughts," in low doses, such as 25 mgs, in those with things like OCD. It is a GOOD drug. It has fewer side effects but can affect the blood sugar, although most can tolerate it well. It can cause fatigue but most med's of this kind can. All in all, I would like my own mother on this med above all others. I tried it at 25 mgs. for a "flashback," once and it did, indeed,stop me from obsessing over the abuse I was recalling. It works.

Good luck, my dear, I hope all goes well but don't give up.Once my mother had her front teeth knocked out while being robbed on the street before we got her 24 hour care, it's hard and sad, I know.
Your friend,

"Question your privilege"