Princess Lenora,
I am in Tucson but no matter where in Arizona, if you need anything checked out, or anything done in person here in Arizona, I will be happy to help.

Please do not hesitate to PM me or email me if there is anyway I can help you in this hard time. I am a native here and can locate or get information on just about anything in a short amount of time, or quickly if it is an emergency.

My own mother has had to live with a caretaker and has been taken care of for almost 30 years! She has had her own home and has been placed in a home with a few other women, and she has lived in other arrangements as well over the years. This has left me knowing many people in the field of caring for parents after all this time. She was unable to care for herself since I was a girl and has also been unable to really remember much or retain enough for a relationship for all these years as well. She has needed care all this time. I have been through just about everything one can go through when being responsible for a parent.

Soon, I will again have to go to court to force my mother to have medical care she critically needs because she is refusing it again. I have to do this when she is ill because she will not accept help. A judge will put down his gavel, and if needed, the police will take her to a doctor to get the procedure she needs so badly. I will be with her caretaker, her fiduciary and her doctor in court.

so, let me know if I can help, I've seen a lot,


"Question your privilege"