i will try the pushing into the floor bit, i haven't yet but can imagine (i think) that a dancer would need something to act as a counter/ take the straine from the effort otherwise the rest of the bodie wouldn't look as gracefull.
i onlie gessing i try it then watch a bit more closlie next i see someone dances.
thanks dancer for the explinasion the big one and the little tips, its an area i don't know much about, the closest i get is the wiggling done on a dancfloor to typical music lol.
i do know what you mean about hearing/feeling the music however i not the best at translatting it or expressing it via my bodie. I do however get lost when listening to music.

i got a good clear pic of the art/athleat destinction now, makes perfect sences when put like that.

DANCER you sound passionate about dances so i assome you are passionate. Do you feel luckie having had and still having such a passion in your life?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn