Anne, Being a pro athlete all my life, and someone who owned a health club for awhile, I can tell you that steroids, or "roids," as they are called, are in wide spread use!
There are tricks taught by doctors to "beat the tests," and these people have been using steriods forever! They KNOW they are bad for them and can cause all sorts of problems, even death, but the money paid for a good athlete is amazing and money talks to these guys! It's not only guys too!
I've never used them but I've been around literally hundreds of athletes who have or do! It's a nightmare!
They get aggressive, they cannot think straight, it makes them sick but able to preform because of "body memory," we all have for our sport! If really investigated, we'd find that most pro athletes have, at some point, tried steriods or use them regularly! It is getting all this press because now people are demanding answers as to why these guys are perfoming like super heros and getting awards for it. Athletes are turning in other athletes in fits of jealousy for the performances they see and know are added by steriods. I stay away from those who use because their temper is a hair trigger and I don't want to get in their way! It's a bad time when you are around some of these men's teams! I have met some, for example, the Lakers in their day, and I'm here to tell you that you can SENSE the steriods in use! There are also ways to even smell it in their body oder!
dancer with the goods!

"Question your privilege"