Dotsie and starting over, thank you for your kind words. I know I really need to be in a small group, because since I live alone, I have no one to be accountable to.

Really, my bad experience in a church was due to my spiritual immaturity. I was older when I accepted Jesus and didn't get the whole picture until I attended an Emmaus weekend, which is a retreat. Well, I guess I didn't realize that there were many walking wounded in the church and being saved didn't mean they would be perfect, upstanding citizens.

Dotsie, they have a class on Sundays where people who need a small group can go and get connected. I did that for a month and then they stopped it for a month and I just never went back. It's something I crave, but at the same time dread.

angelsmuse, congratulations on your writings being accepted. I just wanted to tell you about a class a couple I know taught at their church called "Barren Babes of the Bible." They were having trouble concieving and had this class for others who were in the same boat.
