Well, I wrote a great response to this, and lost it.

Here we go again: There were many Californians in the survey, but I don't know how many were in LA, or in Florida, for that matter. Remember that statistics provide averages; there are many people at either end of the spectrum.

Also remember that the mind sees what it wants to see. If you decide to purchase a yellow volkswagon, you are going to see a great many more yellow volkswagons on the road. There aren't more, you are just pre-disposed to see them.
It works the same way with seeing older men and younger women.

Many women are meeting men on the Internet. Some are rediscovering their high school sweethearts. There aren't any rules to finding them, just more of an idea about being open to the experience that you will find the one that you want, and starting with loving yourself.
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.