I read all your comments about church and family. Its good to read such connecting and compassionate, emotions, of faith and family. As, daughter of Christian parents. I and my brothers,used to attend church and, but dad does more so than us, he sings in the chorus, even when he is home which is hobbling. Yet through mom and dad they instilled in us morals and values and bibical scripture like 10 commandments for example. As we grew up, living with our parents and we help pull together as family to help each other and mom and dad financically. We always blessed to give what we have to give to others that didn't have alot. As we,give to others in his name. Even, though we are in our 30s we still value the teachings and ministering from our parents. As well, since me and mom health hasn't been not excellent, we keep in his word and praising and give his name sake. Despite, the wrongful,hurting things that has happen in all our lives. We just learn from them and pray for that person. And his reward out weights it all and we know were blessed for it in his time.

As personally note:

I like share with you all, so no other child or person with disability will be take advantage of this but, I also was a person being confronted in a unprofessional way by a pastor and other in my church. And its being a bit since I have been back. However, I also seen things and sense things that were of darkness moving about that maybe no other can see. That's when I rebuke and knew things were not good within the church and had be addressed. So, in private I prayed about it. Soon enough there was new pastor, however, there is still some issue not meant. I always seen Angels or revealed visions related to my life or someone he intend to say something too. I guess you can say my spirit is open to heaven and to God's holy spirit of his reason.

I am looking forward to your comments. And I will do my best to check back.

Edited by Feon Davis (02/10/08 11:57 PM)