I am not a church-goer at all nor ever defined myself as Christian at any point in life so far.

However as a child, under my parents encouragement, I did attend Sunday School up to catechism time. Parents thought it was useful to have our moral values taught at home, confirmed elsewhere by another party, like the church. My parents never went to church and knew very little about Christianity except for basic meaning of Christmas and Easter.

It was United Church, which at that time, seemed most accessible. liberal and not mysterious to a bunch of Asian-Canadian children unaccompanied by parents. Church was a 15 min. walk away.

We lived across the street from a (modern) Mennonite church where we knew some neighbours on the street attended (these neighbours were German.). There some of us did attend Bible summer school. It was more of a social thing for us to do for free in summer since my parents didn't have income to take us away on vacation out of town.

Now I seriously question how many young, non-believer adults even understand underlying Christian-Judeo concepts ...that have influenced the English-speaking world in: literature, music, architecture and art. Just as example

I also wonder how young people are taught in this fast-paced life, contemplation in general ..if they have had no exposure to any religion at all. Is it yoga??? I mean it may be laughable, but seriously...I guess it must be.

For myself, since I did my university degree in English literature, then it was helpful to understand some stories in the Bible...which have influenced great works of literature particularily from medieval times to 18th century.

Several of my closest friends are believers, and periodically I have attended church with them. One of them keeps on trying to ply the Word on me but it is discreet and she knows that anything more, might destroy a 25 yr. long friendship. She is Mennonite with white cap over hairbun and dresses to the always, the knee.

I did have some amazing experiences with her...and yes, there are some incredible stories from the Mennonite community. I could never forget the time I went to a Mennonite church school during graduation day and picnic where the 16 old girls wearing their dresses, pantyhose, running shoes and white net hair buns, were playing great softball in 30 degree F humid heat on the diamond.

And 6 different 10-yr. Old Order Mennonite boys all wearing their requisite straw hats were sitting by in a row, staring at me. Probably is rare to see Asians so close up for a long time.

I'm sorry I'm rambling...but for a non-believer I do think it's useful for those who choose to live forever in a society where there was a dominant religion that initially influenced many aspects of life...to understand some basic concepts.
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