Mountain, I can certainly understand how touching it must be to see her so involved with her faith.

Does you church have any special activites planned? DO they have a Web site?

I am forever planting seeds with my kids. I tell them how I appreciate the way they are using their God-given gifts in their lives. I tell them I pray for them, mention God-incidences as they occur, etc. They are Christians, just not practicing in a church right now.

My daughter's friend lost her father this weekend. Incredibly shocking and terribly sad. She spent two hours with her last night and when I have the chance, I will tell her that she was an angel doing exactly what Jesus would have wanted her to do.

Just because they aren't in church, doesn't mean they aren't practicing Christianity. Know what I mean?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.