I love that Hannelore.

I have probably shared this before, but it is one of my favorite kid stories.

My nephew, Hamed, was 7 when I took him on a cross-country road trip to national parks. We were in Yellowstone and Hamed had just gotten out of the bathtub. I was in the lounging area of this great room we had, when all of a sudden Hamed yelled, "Aunt Ann, come quick and look at this!" I ran to him and there he was, this little boy wrapped partially in a towel twice his size and he was staring in the mirror. He pointed to the mirror and said, "Look at my pee pipe! It's sticking strait up!"

Amazing, he was so non-chalant, just interested in something he had not seen before. Me, bright red, was the only embarrassed person in the room.
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